Activities could include:
- preparing a no-dig veg area (which does initially involve some digging!)
- coppicing willows
- building a haybox cooker (and possibly modifications on our outside fridge)
- planting comfrey, planting out seedlings..lots of general garden stuff!
Contact Brenna for more info/directions.
Saturday 19 March Our first excursion!
A visit to two sites registered with the Permaculture Association as good demonstration sites of permaculture design in action.
We will be visiting: The Apricot Centre, Manningtree and The Peoples Community Garden in Ipswich. Having tours and doing a little work as a thank you for hosting us. We will leave Norwich at 09.00 and return at 18.50.
Contact Tierney if you are interested in coming along (
Photo of the People's Community Garden, Ipswich