The foundation of permaculture systems are the ethics of earth care, people care and fair sharing of resources.
It's about making connections.
The Norfolk Permaculture group has come together through a shared understanding through our experiences and learning of permaculture.
We wish to support each other through sharing skills, knowledge, contacts and be extra sets of hands on projects. We want to be a hub for those new to permaculture in Norwich and Norfolk (and some of Suffolk ) or those who have just finished their design courses.
There is now a Norfolk Permaculture website (hooray!) which can be found here.
We've set up a google discussion group so we can easily share information with each other. This could be offers, requests, sharing info, details about courses or workdays. If you would like to be added to this google discussion group please email Tierney:
For background info and reading there are books available in the Norfolk County Council Libraries.