I hope that in the Transition Norwich Economics and Livelihoods group, we can do our part to ensure a sustainable future of economics that does not rely on the ever-increasing burning of fossil fuels. If you are interested in joining this group please go to http://groups.google.com/group/tn-economy and sign up as we shall soon be sending out details of our first meeting.
From the recent discussion in Aladdin’s CafĂ©, I was moved by some of the new ideas I heard, such as producerism - the idea that consumerism is fuelled more by the supplier's desire for profit than the consumer's desire for new things - and vision - that the ideals we are presented with by TV and other highly visible media outlets are at odds with our own values, and therefore we need to produce our own media outlets (like blogs!!) to present our positive vision of a sustainable future. Simeon Jackson
Notes from open space discussion at the Aladdin's Cafe, 12 April