The event held at Inner Space on 28 September was approximately split into three parts:
- a workshop,
- introductions to existing projects,
- discussion and ideas for further projects.
The evening started with a workshop to get us thinking about the human needs that unite us. There are only a limited number of
fundamental human needs, defined by
Manfred Max-Neef as Subsistence, Protection,
Recreation, Creation, Affection, Understanding, Participation, Identity and Freedom. These needs may be satisfied in various ways, including some ways which are actually destructive to our ability to satisfy other needs, the needs of other members of society, and the planet.
Following this, various projects were introduced by people in the room, which were then discussed in further detail over the meal in smaller groups. We finished up with a short summary and feedback session, hoping to get an idea of further projects, but it was getting late, and although there was much talk on the subject of marketplaces and the use of empty land within the city, no distinct action emerged. If anyone feels that they would like to spearhead action on this front, though, email out to
The Projects:
Energy 4 All ( - Co-operatively owned wind farms in Britain, including some new sites in Norfolk on land owned by Bernard Matthews. Paul Rea ( is keen " contact people who are open to dialogue on wind turbine development and who would feel able to write to planning authorities in support of each scheme". The web address for the co-operative is
Visions for Change ( - "Its purpose is to enhance communication between the many such groups in the area and to make it easy for anyone, whether already in a group or not, to be aware of and contribute to the Norwich and district progressive scene." Includes a monthly themed facilitated discussion (the next one is on "Work"). You can sign up to their mailing list on their website.
Norwich FarmShare ( - "A community-owned farm growing delicious seasonal vegetables just outside Norwich. We deliver them fresh into Norwich every week for our members to share."
Norwich Community Bees ( - "Norwich Community Bees is a community-supported, non-profit making cooperative [bee-keeping] venture, supported by the subscriptions, time and effort of its members."
The Poosh ( - A website to facilitate connections between those who are planning a self-build sustainable building, and those who wish to volunteer to help build those buildings (rather like
WWOOFing, but for building). Local contact is Jim Self (
Norfolk Master Gardeners ( - A project managed by
Garden Organic to provide advice and support (not actual gardening) to those wanting to grow their own food. Local co-ordinator Gabbie Joyce (, 01362 869286). Also organise events about organic gardening.
Abundance Project ( - Wild food mapping.
FoodCycle ( - Makes use of surplus food produced within the city by providing free meals to the community each Friday, 7pm, at Friend's Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane, NR2 1EW. Staffed by volunteers.
Norwich Garden Share ( - For anyone in Norwich who would like to share some of their garden or Allotment space and for those people who are seeking access to gardening.
Carbon Conversations ( - A series of practical meetings to help you halve your carbon footprint. Contact in Norwich:
Magdalen-Augustine Celebration ( - Yearly celebration of the Magdalen Street area. This year's, which took place last Saturday, was the third of these celebrations, and the first to include the St Augustines Street area. Please sign up to their mailing list on their website, and
volunteer to make sure next year's is just as much of a
UEA World Cafe - Termly events held at UEA to get ethical and environmental societies of the university talking to each other and collaborating. The last one was held on the 9th October. For information about future World Cafe events, make sure you are on the mailing list The Lense.
The Lense - A weekly bulletin of events and information from the UEA's Union Ethical Officer (currently Rosie Rawle. Email: (I think this is the right email address!)). Please contact her to provide content, to be added to the list, or for more information.
David Medding's Upcycling ( - Upcycling waste by making it into eco-furniture, gifts, signage and school projects. Looking for places to trade in Norwich, and suitable waste to be turned into other things.
The Common Room and Norwich Trade School ( - The Churches Conservation Trust is trying out a new concept to bring St Laurence’s church on St Benedict Street, Norwich into re-use as a new type of shared space, made and shaped collectively by the community, and run on the principles of collaboration, connection and resourcefulness. (This wasn't actually mentioned on the 28th Sept, but still a project worth following!)