thanks to 40 Transition initiatives across the UK has a fully fledged distribution network in place. Now the editorial crew have launched a crowd-funding appeal which will go towards paying staff, contributors and printing costs.
The appeal needs to reach it £10,000 target (at least) by mid-February. Can you help get the presses rolling? Do check out the newspaper's dedicated site at BuzzBnk:
All subscriptions and backing will be very happily received!

We don’t promise to solve every problem, like Marge, but we can give you directions when you are stuck. At the TFP a crew of seasoned Transitioners are set to offer their experience and advice on any difficulties you might be encountering on the bumpy road to sustainability.
Downshifting blues, group dynamics, living without heating, partner loves you, hates Transition? Bring it on. If we don’t have a solution up our sleeve we’ll do the Transition thing and ask someone in the network who does. Please send you problems to us and we will do the best to answer you in our column (and send you a paper too).
Please send your question to charlotteducann@transitionnetwork.org and it will be passed on to the team. Thank you!
Getting on message
We are also looking for advertisers for the first issue, so if you are looking for a good Transition audience this is the place to come. We have all sizes and prices available and a special marketplace section for Transition events. notices, sales, swaps etc. As our business manager, Jay Tompt (here in action at the Conference) says:We’ll be reaching thousands of Transitioners and Transitionistas, change makers and early adopters, activists and organizers, enthusiastic supporters of local, green, ethical, cooperative, social, and resilient enterprises. This network holds lots of potential.You can get hold of any of us through this website and we are happy to answer questions about advertising or editorial and give advice about creating a local news page. This is a paper written, edited and published by people in Transition. So do get in touch. Charlotte Du Cann
Not heart of Transition Free Press? Check out our preview issue published last summer.