Wakelyns are trialling growing crops cereals, potatoes and fertility building cover crops in rotation in alleys with a row of coppice or hardwood trees each side. They are then observing the yields and benefits of doing so compared to monocultures.
Diversity and increasing the opportunity for interactions between organisms are key.
By growing mixed varieties of wheat in trial areas they are able to compare the yield to an area of ‘standards’-low genetic diversity. They are also observing how they fair over generations and which varieties are naturally selected over others to the local conditions.
The farm is a closed loop system apart from the diesel for the machinery and some seeds! A very interesting afternoon. Thanks to Martin and Wakelyns for their hospitality and time. Keep up the good work. Tierney Woods
Wakelyn's Agroforestry www.wakelyns.co.uk. See googlegroup and TN calendar for workday/trip details as they arise. New faces welcome! To join the googlegroup discussion group or for more info: Tierney (tierneywoods@yahoo.co.uk)