Please come to one of the locations below – it just needs to be for a few minutes in order to show your support and maybe get your picture on TV!
08:00 to 08:45 at Hethersett Village Hall – South Norfolk MP Richard Bacon will meet children as they ride to school. A crew from BBC TV is expected – as well as the local press. If you come on your bike please wear bright clothing and have lights as it will only just be light!
09:00 to 09:15 at the pedestrian crossing over the A47 at end of School Lane, Little Melton – MP Richard Bacon will see how dangerous the existing crossing is.
The full details are at http://www.little-melton.org.uk/news/CyclePath.html. If you can help with the campaign then please contact John on 01603 812472 or john@heaser.com or visit http://cyclelinks.org.uk/.