Since the November bulletin, the TN blog (www.transitionnorwich.blogspot.com) has gone from strength to strength.
The vision of a low-carbon life can be a daunting one, and last month we have tackled some difficult subjects. Charlotte talked candidly about the mental challenge involved in consciously letting go of our addiction to the oil-fuelled consumer lifestyle we’ve grown so used to. Tully wrote about the pressures from those around us to consume, and the way in which the public spaces in our society reinforce that pressure. There may be no easy answers, but understanding the question is often the first stage in finding a solution.
Yet, proving that transition has its own richness and sense of fun, we’ve also talked about everything from meeting strangers on buses, to the pleasures around us in nature; from hot baths to tents, to the realisation that Real Men Wear Tights. Oh yes!
But perhaps the dominant subject this month has been food, starting off with carrot and cumin scones before moving on to the subject of growing our own food. A series of passionate posts by Jane C, including some fabulous pictures, on the subject of baking bread had me heading for the kitchen, while Mark W’s picture of Breakfast with Friends made me realise that I didn’t even know what a quince looked like. If you don’t either, head to the TN blog to find out! (Jon Curran/Comms)