About Us


We're part of a world-wide community movement in response to peak oil and climate change. This site gives you details of our up and coming events and meetings, as well as reports and related matters that are going on in Norwich and East Anglia.

NEWS AND RELATED EVENTS... Common Room - Low Carbon Cookbook - Magdalen-Augustine Celebration - Norwich FarmShare - Transition Free Press 4 - Visions for Change -On the Blog Harvest: Looking in the Archive 2009-2013 - Flight of the Butterflies - Where We Are Now

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Transition Norwich's Very Own Allotment

Stop press - we have just heard that Mahesh Pant of Sustainable Living Initiative (see Allotments Open Day article below) is reserving a block of allotment strips for Transition Norwich at Bluebell Lane South allotments, which will become available in October. In the Transition spirit, we will be planning to grow and share produce where it is most needed; and we'll be keeping a blog record of our successes ... and the things that maybe don't go so well, like slugs and bugs! For further information email Jane Chittenden at editor@transitionnorwich.org