Transition Norwich is developing a positive vision of the kind of Norwich we would like to live in in the future, and to build the city’s capacity to deal with any crises that will come along the way, such as peak oil and climate change. Through our theme groups we have expertise in different aspects of this, such as food systems, buildings and how to heat them, transport, and reskilling.
The aim of the Resilience Plan (also known as an Energy Descent Plan or Pathway) is to capture these visions and this knowledge in a single document that we can share with each other and with others, such as local authorities. A Resilience Plan Group has set itself up (and you’re welcome to join it), and is asking all of the theme groups to make their contributions to the Plan. Hopefully this has been discussed in theme groups over the summer and most groups are now finalising a first draft of their respective chapters. Over the autumn we hope to bring these together into a coherent whole. If there are contradictions or inconsistencies between what different groups have provided, we will discuss these with the groups concerned. We also hope to hold a visioning event that will be open to everyone involved with Transition Norwich. (Tully Wakeman)
Harvest - Enjoying the archive of This Low Carbon Life 2009-2013
This Low Carbon Life has been a collective Transition blog for almost four
years. It now has over 1000 blogs in its archive on a wide-range of topics
11 years ago