We had a small but lovely meeting on Wednesday. Our main activity was to start looking at the Reskilling Groups contribution to the resilience plan. It turned out that this just consisted of a long list of skill we will need to know! We also put next to each skill what level of knowledge of the skill was necessary, so:
M = Most people will need to know how to do it
S = Some people! 1-2 people per 5 houses will need to know
L = Local service such as a blacksmith
C = one team at City level
b = everyone will require basic knowledge
Obviously we have made some assumptions and specific theme groups like food might say otherwise.
So the skills we came up with are: (please add any you think we’ve missed)
- preparing veg/fresh food M
- cooking from scratch M
- preserving/ different methods of storage M
- butchering L
- growing food M & L
- scavenging M
- brewing L
- Knowing when food is off (without a use by date!) M
- Alternate ways of cooking (such as hay box) M
- Energy efficient cooking M
- Composting M
- Hunting/fishing S
- Animal Husbandry S
Borrowing/ sharing/ exchanging resources
Reduce/ reuse
- Take/Use your own packaging M
- Think ahead on what you are going to do with what you buy M
- Try not to throw things away – find another use M
- Make the most of what you have already M
- Shoes L
- Fabrics M
- Knitting S
- Clothes M
- Computers L + b
- Electronics L + b
- Plumbing L + b
- Building L + b
- Cars/ Bikes etc L + b
- Machines – sewing, washing, cooker etc L + b
- Tools L + b
- Furniture L + b
- Builder L + b
- Carpenter L
- Blacksmith L
- Tailor L
- Weaver/ Material L
- Cobbler L
- Farmer L
- Butchers/ Bakers/ Dairy L
- Energy engineers L
- Green industry without oil… L
- Stone Masons C
- Electrician – lights L
- Soap/ Cleaning products C
Firemen L + b + C
Think local M
Washing clothes M
Planning house sensibly eg. rugs you can take out and beat rather than fitted carpets M
Slowing down/ having patience M
- natural healthcare L + b
- preventative care M + L
- Alternative care (therapies) L + b
- First Aid L + b + C
- Community support
Entertainment (everyone needs to have a skill to be interesting!!)
- Play instruments S
- Craft M
- Dance S
- No oil exercise (walking, cycling, canoeing) M
- Being in nature M
- Story-telling/ Comedy S
- Low carbon entertainment eg circus, theatre S + C