About Us


We're part of a world-wide community movement in response to peak oil and climate change. This site gives you details of our up and coming events and meetings, as well as reports and related matters that are going on in Norwich and East Anglia.

NEWS AND RELATED EVENTS... Common Room - Low Carbon Cookbook - Magdalen-Augustine Celebration - Norwich FarmShare - Transition Free Press 4 - Visions for Change -On the Blog Harvest: Looking in the Archive 2009-2013 - Flight of the Butterflies - Where We Are Now

Reskilling List

We had a small but lovely meeting on Wednesday. Our main activity was to start looking at the Reskilling Groups contribution to the resilience plan. It turned out that this just consisted of a long list of skill we will need to know! We also put next to each skill what level of knowledge of the skill was necessary, so: 
M = Most people will need to know how to do it 
S = Some people! 1-2 people per 5 houses will need to know 
L = Local service such as a blacksmith 
C = one team at City level  
b = everyone will require basic knowledge 

Obviously we have made some assumptions and specific theme groups like food might say otherwise. 

So the skills we came up with are: (please add any you think we’ve missed) 
  • preparing veg/fresh food M 
  • cooking from scratch M 
  • preserving/ different methods of storage M 
  • butchering L 
  • growing food M & L 
  • scavenging M 
  • brewing L 
  • Knowing when food is off (without a use by date!) M 
  • Alternate ways of cooking (such as hay box) M 
  • Energy efficient cooking M 
  • Composting M 
  • Hunting/fishing S 
  • Animal Husbandry S 

Borrowing/ sharing/ exchanging resources 

Reduce/ reuse 
  • Take/Use your own packaging M 
  • Think ahead on what you are going to do with what you buy M 
  • Try not to throw things away – find another use M 
  • Make the most of what you have already M 

  • Shoes L 
  • Fabrics M 
  • Knitting S 
  • Clothes M 
  • Computers L + b 
  • Electronics L + b 
  • Plumbing L + b 
  • Building L + b 
  • Cars/ Bikes etc L + b 
  • Machines – sewing, washing, cooker etc L + b 
  • Tools L + b 
  • Furniture L + b 
  • Builder L + b 
  • Carpenter L 
  • Blacksmith L 
  • Tailor L 
  • Weaver/ Material L 
  • Cobbler L 
  • Farmer L 
  • Butchers/ Bakers/ Dairy L 
  • Energy engineers L 
  • Green industry without oil… L 
  • Stone Masons C 
  • Electrician – lights L 
  • Soap/ Cleaning products C 

Firemen L + b + C 
Think local M 
Washing clothes M 
Planning house sensibly eg. rugs you can take out and beat rather than fitted carpets M 
Slowing down/ having patience M 

  • natural healthcare L + b 
  • preventative care M + L 
  • Alternative care (therapies) L + b 
  • First Aid L + b + C 
  • Community support 

Entertainment (everyone needs to have a skill to be interesting!!) 
  • Play instruments S 
  • Craft M 
  • Dance S 
  • No oil exercise (walking, cycling, canoeing) M 
  • Being in nature M 
  • Story-telling/ Comedy S 
  • Low carbon entertainment eg circus, theatre S + C