Norfolk Car Club is a 'pay-as-you-go' car club scheme operating throughout Norwich and some market towns in Norfolk. In Norwich, Car Club cars are parked in designated parking bays across the city. Members book online and use a 'smart card' to unlock the car and drive away. The user pays by the hour and cars are available 24/7. It’s a very flexible, alternative, driving option. You are fully insured and Norfolk Car Club takes care of all maintenance, servicing and cleaning.
The Car Club will work if one of the following is true:
* you need easy access to a car for work or leisure
* you don't want the expense and hassle of owning your own car
* you walk or cycle to work but need access to a car for meetings
* you are thinking of getting rid of your car because you hardly use it
* parking is a problem where you live
* the family car is being used in the day and you sometimes need another car
* you want to reduce your carbon footprint
Individuals can join as a 'personal member'; businesses can join the Car Club as a 'corporate member' - registering staff as drivers. The Car Club is currently free to join (saving up to £25) with the promotional code 'Norwich10'. Just use the code when you sign up online at www.commonwheels.org.uk or phone Commonwheels on 0845 602 8030. You can cancel your membership at any time. James Frost