Tierney has spent the winter planning and plotting (and planning our plots) to get the best out of our land this year. She's created amazing spreadsheets showing what needs to be done and when: when we anticipate needing to irrigate, when we expect to be sowing and planting.... even when we might be able to hold open days, when we can invite the press to see exciting things happening on the farm, when would be good to hold wildlife walks.
It's easy to feel like the 'real' work is that done on the land with hands and tools, but it can only happen alongside the indoors planning work- so we're grateful for our members and supporters putting time in to plan our distribution and logisitics, our work to benefit the biodiversity of the site and yesterday planned how we can develop our marketing to reach more people around Norwich.
Find out more at www.norwichfarmshare.co.uk
Elena. Pics: last year's first onions poking though, Elena.