As soon as we're back from Christmas we'll be right into the swing of planning for our next season. We'll be meeting in January to discuss how to make our distribution and logistics run smoothly, how to work best on the farm to grow the veg we need whilst improving the site for wildlife, and how to increase our membership to a level that will make us a sustainable farm.
- The distribution and logistics group- will meet on Monday 16th Jan, 6.30pm at Take 5, Tombland.
- The environment and growing group will meet on Tuesday 24th Jan, 7.00 p.m. at the Bicycle Shop, St. Benedict's Street.
- The team looking at our marketing and communications will meet on Tuesday 31st Jan, 7.00pm Jan at Take 5, Tombland.We'd love to see as many people as possible at these meetings, the more ideas the merrier! Drop us an email to let us know, or just turn up on the day.
Elena, at Norwich FarmShare.
Pics: Tierney's Christmas lunch