"What I love is that you don't have to market Transition or spin yourself or your life. You can say how it is in ways that you can't elsewhere, at home or work or amongst your friends who are all hoping things will turn out otherwise. You can write stuff you don't find in the mainstream media or written in books, because none of us who blog are hip or connected enough to register on that business-as-usual radar, we don't fit the box or the mindset, we live in the wrong city, we're from the wrong class, we're unfashionably in Transition, too old, too poor, too green, too radical, not radical enough . . . whatever. You can wake up with something to say and today you're going to say it anyway, straight from the heart. Even though you are under the kind of pressure that Jon captured so clearly and honestly in his A Shocking State of Affairs. It's a different narrative. Written by the people who are experiencing it first hand. On a deadline." A Year of Living Differently
(Charlotte Du Cann/Mark Watson)
TN bloggers are meeting on 26 November at the Greenhouse at 11.15am. All present and future contributors welcome! For more info email theseakaleproject@hotmail.co.uk