In May we were delighted and dismayed when one of our top bloggers, Kerry left Norwich for a great Transition job in Glasgow. At the same time we welcomed aboard Simeon Jackson, mover and shaker behind TN’s new style Economics and Livelihoods and Outreach initiatives.
We also started an occassional cross-posting from local and Transition blogs: Adrienne Cambell from TTLewes on Swarmcatchers, Mark Crutchley of the OneWorldColumn on the state of the oceans, Rachel Lalchan of Ecomonkey on giving up supermarkets, Olivia Heal of La Bonne Bouffe on Lacto-Fermentation. Chrissie Godrey from TT Taunton and one of the Conference storytellers, related the End of the Tail.

Making a bee-line to the community garden from The Spirit of the Beehive. Photo by Muhammad Amin. Sunflowers by Mark Watson.
STOP PRESS! Due to various factors, the date of the TN Blogger's Summer Meeting has changed. It will now be at The Greenhouse, Bethel Street on Saturday, 27 August at 11am. All present and future bloggers welcome!