Since the last update, members of Transition Circle West have been meeting twice a month with our usual bring and share vegetarian meal to do a variety of activities, including: textiles skills-sharing; discussing issues from ethical holidays to socio-cultural evolution; sharing herbal remedies; and going on a foraging trip! Most recently we met to discuss the changing role of shops and shopping in the future, and some of us also joined in at the open day for
Norwich FarmShare at Postwick. We are currently in the process of creating a resource-sharing library for the group. Our next group meeting will be on Bike Maintenance. Do come and tune up!
Transition Circle West is open to anybody living in the west of Norwich who is interested in getting involved with Transition Norwich and learning about low carbon lifestyles. If you would like more information or to join get in touch with Helen on
Photo from This Low Carbon Life on community transport