Imagine immersing yourself for 3 days in the latest thinking on Transition, hearing from the most ground-breaking projects, going deeper into what it’s all about, putting faces to names you only know from reading them online, meeting hundreds of other Transitioners from all over, and going home revitalised, refocused and refreshed.
That’s what we’re talking about. There will be 3 sessions of workshops, 10 in each. Here is a taste of some of what is being planned:
How to work well together as groups; Kids in Transition The role of the Arts; Inner Transition; An update on Transition local currency projects; Community Supported bakeries, shops, farms, breweries…. Social reporting; Social Enterprise; Constellations; Action learning; Creating a new local food system: stories from various projects; Group dynamics; ‘Engaging words’: how your writing style can affect your effectiveness; Investing for Transition; Transition education Transition and health; Engaging and working with your Council and more!There will also be tours of Liverpool and the opportunity to see some of the fantastic projects underway in the city. The workshops are also, of course, only a small part of the overall programme. There will also be many opportunities to meet other Transitioners and find out what they are up to, including the chance to meet in theme groups, so you can, for example, connect with all those who share your passion for local energy, food or education. There will be some large group activities, which were, for many, the highlight of last year’s conference.
Also, this year the team are trying a different approach, substituting Open Space, which has been a focal point for each of our previous conferences, with the Fishbowl technique, which will allow a much deeper exploration of some of the more charged and pertinent issues that you bring to the conference (a questionnaire will be sent round before the event to gather your thoughts on what those subjects should be). Our hope is that this will bring more focus and will be more insightful. Rob Hopkins
For further details contact Transition Network