Carbon Conversations Tuesday February 1st marks the start of the next inspiring and practical course on carbon reduction - Carbon Conversations - due to take place at County Hall, Norwich. Eight green and keen County Council staff members have signed themselves up to the sessions which will be facilitated by Esme Holtom and Elena Judd who did the course themselves and were trained to facilitate by Cambridge Carbon Footprint.
Transition Circle UEA Having just completed our final session on Carbon Conversations at UEA we decided that we didn't want to go cold turkey. So we are starting a Transition Circle UEA with our first meeting next month looking at low carbon Transport and Travel.
Other people linked to UEA, who haven't done the Carbon Conversations course, but are still trying to reduce their personal carbon footprint are welcome to join us. Just let Kerry know (
If you would like to hold a Carbon Conversations course in your neighbourhood or workplace and can organise a group of 6-12 people, do get in touch with Christine at and she will find facilitators for the six-week sessions.