In 2009 Stop Climate Chaos organised The Wave – the UK’s biggest ever demonstration in support of action on climate change. This year the Coalition are calling for people to connect with others in their communities and lobby their MP on 5 and 6 November.
With supporters coming together from more than 100 organisations, we hope to show MPs that people from all walks of life – from environment to development groups, from unions to local community and health groups – are calling for action on climate change.
November is a key time for climate politics, giving everyone an important opportunity to influence world and local issues. A new Energy Bill is on the way, which could make it easier and cheaper to improve the energy efficiency of homes, and clean up the emissions of the electricity we use. Lobbying our MPs will influence and strengthen the bill in parliament. It also comes three weeks before the UN Climate Talks in Cancun, so we can ensure MPs push for key policies for significant progress towards a fair global climate deal.
Stop Climate Chaos (SCC) is the largest coalition of groups and individuals dedicated to taking action in the UK on climate change and limiting its impacts. Trevor Philips is the coordinator for Norwich South constituency 'big climate connection' lobby and will be speaking with Simon Wright MP on 5 November. To join in, register as a lobbyist on http://www.thebigconnection.org/
The National Climate March in London takes place on 4 December. If you'd like someone to organise a coach from Norwich, contact Trevor. http://www.campaigncc.org/ Trevor Philips: 07794 690322 NorwichCACC@live.co.uk
For further details: http://www.stopclimatechaos.org/
With supporters coming together from more than 100 organisations, we hope to show MPs that people from all walks of life – from environment to development groups, from unions to local community and health groups – are calling for action on climate change.
November is a key time for climate politics, giving everyone an important opportunity to influence world and local issues. A new Energy Bill is on the way, which could make it easier and cheaper to improve the energy efficiency of homes, and clean up the emissions of the electricity we use. Lobbying our MPs will influence and strengthen the bill in parliament. It also comes three weeks before the UN Climate Talks in Cancun, so we can ensure MPs push for key policies for significant progress towards a fair global climate deal.
Stop Climate Chaos (SCC) is the largest coalition of groups and individuals dedicated to taking action in the UK on climate change and limiting its impacts. Trevor Philips is the coordinator for Norwich South constituency 'big climate connection' lobby and will be speaking with Simon Wright MP on 5 November. To join in, register as a lobbyist on http://www.thebigconnection.org/
The National Climate March in London takes place on 4 December. If you'd like someone to organise a coach from Norwich, contact Trevor. http://www.campaigncc.org/ Trevor Philips: 07794 690322 NorwichCACC@live.co.uk
For further details: http://www.stopclimatechaos.org/