We also had an interesting discussion about personal actions versus local/community campaigns, with some suggesting that bigger campaigns affect more people while others believe that personal actions and leading by example were a more sustainable path.
We didn't definitively answer the question of the meeting, but are quite happy to just continue on the path we are on and see where it leads us. And we had some delicious food as usual to fuel the conversation. So next meeting we shall be discussing money, quite a contentious issue for many who seek change in our society. We shall be thinking about our attitudes to money, its role in the future and the impact our personal money has on the world.
The meeting will be at 6.30 on the 25th October at my house. Please contact me if you would like more details - the more the merrier. Kerry - kezereky_the_first@hotmail.com
Photos from original poster for TN Birthday Party 2009