As I write this I'm half-way through the Carbon Conversations course. It's a really inspiring course that I thoroughly recommend. I was starting to feel 'stuck' about climate change. I'd already changed everything that I thought I could do, and I couldn't see a way forward. So when I heard about a course in Norwich that I could afford, that addressed just that, I was delighted and signed up straight away.
The course skilfully combines a gentle approach to our feelings and beliefs about climate change with a very robust handling of the science and maths involved in calculating our personal impact. There's no shying away from confronting the realities of our own carbon footprint - but no pressure to own up, and no sense of competition. We've all confessed fears, shame and guilt; and celebrated successes, played games and laughed, and shared the contentment that comes from knowing we're working hard at something that matters.
The course gives lots of ideas of positive actions to take, and encourages us to share what has worked for each of us. I asked other's opinions on the 'double glazing film' that can be applied to single glazed windows, and several people recommended it. I spent yesterday putting it up, and today my room feels a lot warmer!
The next courses starting in April and priority will be given to those wishing to start their own group. Also in April we hope to run the first facilitator's training for those who have already completed the course which will mean that more courses will start in the summer. If you are interested in CarbonConversations please email
Energy Monitors for Hire
Working in the library the other day I spotted that they had two Owl Electricity Monitors to borrow. I checked on the computer system and found that there are monitors available for free from every Norfolk library.
I've tried one and discovered it was really easy to use. It's useful to know exactly how much electricity the oven uses: almost exactly the same amount as the kettle and toaster both turned on at once, but as I usually have the oven on for much longer than the toaster, the oven uses much more energy in total.
Mark and Charlotte have talked about using a monitor and they've been able to make some real changes to their electricity use as a result.
The information that comes with the Owls says that most people reduce their energy use by around 25% when they start using a monitor- with similar cuts in both bills and CO2 emissions. I really recommend borrowing one of these to see if you can cut your energy use; you save £30 on the cost of buying one, and support the council in a great green initiative. (Elena Judd/TN2)
Transition Norwich Carbon Club
If you are interested in monitoring your home energy use I can recommendsigning up to I-measure at where you can enter yourmeter readings and it will calculate your CO2 emissions for theweek/month/year. I have also started a Carbon Club on the site called'Transition Norwich' which you can join and where you can see how othersin the group are doing. If you want to monitor your flights and travelas well you may prefer to use so I suggest trying both and deciding for yourself which site you prefer. (Christine Way/Core Group)
Harvest - Enjoying the archive of This Low Carbon Life 2009-2013
This Low Carbon Life has been a collective Transition blog for almost four
years. It now has over 1000 blogs in its archive on a wide-range of topics
11 years ago