Colchester Borough Council is hosting a 1 day "Transition Talk Training" course for those wishing to learn how to give an effective talk on Transition.
When - 9th February 2010, 9am – 5pm
Where – Old Library, Colchester Town Hall, High Street, CO1 1FR
The cost of the course is £50 per person (including lunch, tea/coffee, cold drinks).
The course is aimed at people in a Transition Initiative* to help them raise awareness and inspire others.
The training will cover:
Peak Oil
Climate Change
The mechanics of Transition
The inner transition
Skills for good and effective public talks.
By the end of the training day, you'll be armed with a solid presentation that you can adopt to your own style, a set of facts and figures to underpin your talk, an understanding of some of the deeper aspects of transition, and a new level of confidence to deliver presentations with flair, authority and maybe a bit of humour too.
*A Transition Initiative is a community working together to respond to the challenges, and opportunities, of Peak Oil and Climate Change - http://www.transitiontowns.org/.
The trainers are from the Transition Network, further details can be found on
To book a place please contact Sam Preston on samantha.preston@colchester.gov.uk or 01206 282707.
When - 9th February 2010, 9am – 5pm
Where – Old Library, Colchester Town Hall, High Street, CO1 1FR
The cost of the course is £50 per person (including lunch, tea/coffee, cold drinks).
The course is aimed at people in a Transition Initiative* to help them raise awareness and inspire others.
The training will cover:
Peak Oil
Climate Change
The mechanics of Transition
The inner transition
Skills for good and effective public talks.
By the end of the training day, you'll be armed with a solid presentation that you can adopt to your own style, a set of facts and figures to underpin your talk, an understanding of some of the deeper aspects of transition, and a new level of confidence to deliver presentations with flair, authority and maybe a bit of humour too.
*A Transition Initiative is a community working together to respond to the challenges, and opportunities, of Peak Oil and Climate Change - http://www.transitiontowns.org/.
The trainers are from the Transition Network, further details can be found on
To book a place please contact Sam Preston on samantha.preston@colchester.gov.uk or 01206 282707.
Sustainable Bungay: Introduction to Permaculture
In 2010, Transition initiative Sustainable Bungay will begin transforming the courtyard at Bungay library into an inviting and sustainable green space and ‘living library’ with raised beds, compost bins, wormery and rainwater harvesting. As a kick-start we invited permaculture teacher and author Graham Burnett http://www.spiralseed.co.uk/ from Southend in Transition to run a weekend introduction to permaculture at the library.
15 of us from Bungay and other local Transition initiatives immersed ourselves in two full-on days of theory and practical group exercises. The basis of the Transition movement (Rob Hopkins taught permaculture for many years), this approach is about “designing sustainable human communities by following nature’s patterns”. It works with the shapes of the living world (e.g. branches, waves, the spiral of snail shells, the scattering of dandelion seeds), rather than imposing artificial straight lines and boxes on it. Key before starting our project was to take time to observe nature’s rhythms and cycles, rather than rushing for a quick fix. During the course we also learned how this ecological design system offers low carbon and energy saving solutions to food growing, transport, waste, the economy and community spaces.
Since the weekend the Library Courtyard Subgroup has got together a design outline for the preliminary steps, which will be on display from next week until 20th February with suggestions invited.
See my entries on the Transition Norwich community blog (18-22 January) http://www.transitionnorwich.blogspot.com/, for more about the weekend. (Mark Watson/TN2)