In 2009 the communications crew covered all the hot topics: the midsummer and birthday parties, the CSA and TN2 start-up meetings, the progress of the Resilience Plan and the creation of the Transition Circles. The Bulletin has run theme group roundups and reviewed books such as Local Food, blogs and films (The Story of Stuff, Home and Vanishing of the Bees). As well as announcing up and coming events this on-line monthly also acts as a “feedback loop”, reporting back on everything from allotments to zero-carbon caravans. Seeded from the bulletin were our innovative and flourishing TN blogs.
Meanwhile looking forward to 2010 here are some of our Transition Voices speaking out about what we plan to do next year:
Tom Harper from the Core Group writes: For 2010 with my young family, TN and the wider community in mind, I plan to invest in a small solar panel to cover hot water for the home. I plan to find a permanent local job! To design and build with permaculture students a vegetable patch in front of the house, to facilitate some Be The Change symposiums. I plan to enagage more with potential and definite TN projects, to be more thoughtful about the things I buy and to find or form a story telling group (primarily for the purpose of positive visioning).
Transition Circles aim to grow and appear in 12 different areas of the city. Key carbon-cutters in TN2 are aiming to keep to their 50% of the national average target (for review in midsummer).
Tully Wakeman from the Strangers' Circle writes: for myself I’m determined to reduce my greenhouse gas footprint to below half the national average – at least in respect of the big areas i.e. home heating, transport and food. Personally I’m also committed to starting a new group in Shotesham. About 20 people in Shotesham attended a showing of the film, In Transition, in November 2009 and we hope to build on that to create some kind of new group there.
Transition Circle West sent a collection: Do a detailed inventory of my consumption and reduce it to half the national average; start making more of my own food like preserves and herbal tea; reduce my use of resources by 10% this year; I'm only going to do what I really want to do; reduce my household carbon emissions to 1 ton; get my vegetable patch growing; I'm going to interline my front door curtain; make my own bread.
The Food Group is ready to get going with the proposed Community Supported Agriculture scheme, Market Garden School Farm and the Local Flour Mill at the Wholefood Planet in Hall Road (see News section for full report).
The Transport Group wants to see an end to the daily gridlock in the city centre. We're campaigning for better public transport to keep those cars at home; and we're continuing the challenge to the Northern Distributor Road. The Department for Transport has approved it in principle, but we don't have to accept that decision!
The Resilience Plan Group is determined to publish the first edition of the Resilience Plan early in 2010. We aim for the Plan to be a really clear and useful document, both to people within Transition Norwich who are thinking about future directions, and for policymakers in our local authorities.
The Reskilling Group resolves to teach those that want to learn at least three new skills in 2010 and plans to carry out a skills audit of Transition Norwich in 2010.
The Communications Group are looking forward to expanding their press coverage, running a Transition Summer Camp, a film documentary week, and a Transition Tales and Visions event with Transition Cambridge. Jane Chittenden (who's been writing about resolutions in the TN blog this week) wants to see more local shops in the city selling goods from local producers at a fair price. My food-shopping resolution is to support local shops and the market; to make the extra time to track them down and not to fall for the convenience of one-stop shopping. Note to self: supermarket shopping is much more expensive than independent shops!