The Resilience Plan group together with the Heart and Soul Group invite you to join us in a discussion about "getting from here to there". A lot of the
Resilience Plan has been written and gives some clear ideas about how we need to change our food, transport, home heating etc. But how do we get from here to there? What are the inner, as well as outer, obstacles to change, and how do we help to overcome them? Come and join the cafe to answer these questions. (Note: this was going to be an Open Space, but in the interests of reaching a conclusion that can be written up in the Resilience Plan, we've decided to go for a World Cafe format instead. This involves a series of small-group discussions, each with a predefined question and a facilitator. We're sure you'll enjoy it and we aim to engage all of your wisdom and insights.) (Erik Buitenhuis/Resilience Plan)
The cafe will be held in the Alexander Room, United Reformed Church, Princes Street, Norwich NR3 1AZ. Arrive 18:45 for a 19:00 start, bringing cake is optional.
Meeting to discuss the Transition Circles, 16 June 09