The two Transition Norwich blogs were launched on our first birthday party on October 4 and both have become active areas on our (soon-to-be-redesigned) website. The news blog carries all the up-to-date news and reviews and appears on the front page. It works like a live bulletin and supplies the material for this monthly in-house update of everything that’s going on in Transition Norwich. The TN blog (
http://www.transitionnorwich.blogspot.com/) is a low-carbon community blog. It’s written by Transitioners in different groups and showcases the personal lives of people in Transition.
Last week we began to take turns as the TN writer-in-residence (weekends are kept open for anyone in the crew to post). Jon Curran has been talking about sweet chestnuts, children, nature, energy, wind power and all things low-carbon. Find out how to make chestnut soup and other practical and philosophical insights amongst our book reviews, bike rides, medicine plant walks, midsummer parties, zero-carbon holidays and allotment news. Do post your comments. Blogging is all about response. We’d love to hear your feedback.