It tells the story of the generation that looked peak oil and climate change square in the face, and responded with creativity, compassion and genius. http://transitionculture.org/in-transition/ .
Councillor Rupert Read responded to seeing himself unexpectedly in the film: ‘It was great, with lots of Norwich people – the wonderful turnout, then and now shows that the Transition movement is clearly going strong in our fine city.’
The party was held at the arts venue, Unit 5, in the Silver Triangle and n the true co-operative spirit of Transition everyone gave a hand. The apple juice was pressed that afternoon after the launch of our plot at the Bluebell Allotments. The food was all home-grown, organic and fairtrade and cooked by a Transition cooking bee.The bunting was made from recycled clothes by the Reskilling group.
The evening was opened by the Sheriff of Norwich, Professor Tim O’ Riordan, who expressed his support for the Transition movement, which he described as ‘organic, helpful, exciting and fun, showing how we can live sustainably and enjoy life’. Tully Wakeman then gave an overview of the work of the various theme groups and the practical projects we have been working on during the last year.
Journalist Ariane Heinz, 65 from Germany, visiting friends in Norwich said that ‘The Transition (from oil dependence to local resilience against economic and environmental shocks) have a long way to go but it’s the only way. In my home town of Cologne, we are gathering information to help each other reduce our energy use by 1% every 6 months’
After the film party goers enjoyed low-carbon cider and beer, and danced to live music from Transitioners Tom Foxe, Fret 6 and the John Preston Tribute Band, all amplified by cycle power. More like a party than a protest’ is how party organizer Charlotte Du Cann described her first year of Transition, not just tonight’s event. For founder member Tully Wakeman the year was ‘an exciting journey of finding out how we should be doing things, with valuable views and contributions brought by lots of different people’ . (Lesley Grahame/Comms)