Calling all spade-wielding Transitioners! The ground of the TN allotment needs a good dig-in before winter planting can begin. If you would like some good resilient exercise this Sunday, do drop in and join the Big Allotment working party. (No need to bring a spade however - all tools provided by the Grow-Our-Own scheme). Even if you can only contribute for an hour (or cheer from the sidelines) do come along. Bring a dish to share if you'd like to stay for lunch.
The allotments are at Bluebell Lane South, off The Avenues down a narrow lane immediately after George Borrow Road on the way out of the city. For more information see http://grow-our-own.co.uk/. For more info contact Jane at editor@transitionnorwich.org
The allotments are at Bluebell Lane South, off The Avenues down a narrow lane immediately after George Borrow Road on the way out of the city. For more information see http://grow-our-own.co.uk/. For more info contact Jane at editor@transitionnorwich.org
Photo by Kathryn Siveyer of Transition Canterbury transitioncityallotment.blogspot.com