About Us


We're part of a world-wide community movement in response to peak oil and climate change. This site gives you details of our up and coming events and meetings, as well as reports and related matters that are going on in Norwich and East Anglia.

NEWS AND RELATED EVENTS... Common Room - Low Carbon Cookbook - Magdalen-Augustine Celebration - Norwich FarmShare - Transition Free Press 4 - Visions for Change -On the Blog Harvest: Looking in the Archive 2009-2013 - Flight of the Butterflies - Where We Are Now

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Strangers' Circle

The Strangers’ Circle is one of the Transition Circles established through the “Transition Norwich 2” discussions. Like Transition Circle West, we are a small group of individuals who are working to reduce our own carbon footprint and environmental footprint, coming together to learn from each other and support each other in this endeavour.

The members of the Strangers’ Circle all live outside Norwich, and mostly to the south of the city. (The word Stranger was used historically to denote people who came from outside of Norwich ).

So far we’ve had meetings looking at our home energy use, transport, food and “stuff” (that is, consumption of goods and services in general). We have been quantifying how far we’ve managed to reduce our footprint. Some of us were determined to reduce to below half of the average UK footprint during the first Transition Circle year (and succeeded!) and then work on further reductions after that.

Since July 2010 we have embarked on the sequence of discussions about Resilience and have begun a Wholefood Buying Co-op.

Because we live in geographically dispersed locations, some of us are thinking about seeding new groups in the places where we live.

For find out more about the group or to take part please contact Tully Wakeman tully@transitionnorwich.org.